wonder if eating sugar causes diabetes. It is characterized by high
blood sugar. It is possible that eating a large amount of added sugar
increases the likelihood of diabetes, but eating the added sugar is only
a reason for a few reasons . Many other reasons - including your daily diet lifestyle and genetic causes - all affect your feelings.In this article we explain the role of sugar in diabetes and some advice to prevent this disease
What is diabets
Diabetes occurs when the body is unable to control blood sugar levels ideally. This occurs when the pancreas is impaired and stops producing enough insulin. Insulin is the hormone responsible for transferring sugar inside the body from the blood to the cells for burning and consumption. The prolonged rise in blood sugar can lead to serious complications such as heart disease and nerve and kidney damage, so diabetics have an interest in maintaining optimal blood sugar levels.
There are two types of diabetes, each with its different causes:Type 1: When the immune system is resistant to the pancreas, it reduces its ability to produce insulin.Type II: When the pancreas can not provide the proper amount of insulin or when the body's cells do not absorb the insulin produced by the pancras or both.Type 1 diabetes is relatively low, often due to hereditary causes, ranging from 5-10% of all diabetes cases in the world. Type 2 diabetes, which accounts for more than 90% of all diabetes cases in the world, It often occurs because of a wrong diet and lifestyle
Does eating sugar increase the risk of diabetes?Studies have shown that people who regularly consume sugar-sweetened beverages have a 25 percent greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes.Drinking one drink every day with added sugar makes you 13% more likely to develop diabetes. This proves that most countries that consume large amounts of added sugar have a high percentage of people with type 2 diabetes. But so far, these studies have not shown that eating sugar explicitly causes diabetes.Many doctors believe that the intake of added sugar increases the risk of diabetes, either directly or indirectly. It causes the disease directly because of the effect of fructose on the liver. These effects may lead to the production of abnormal amounts of insulin in the pancreas and thus increase the risk of infection Diabetes, type II. The intake of sugar added to diabetes indirectly through weight gain and increased body fat are also factors leading to diabetes. Studies have also confirmed that eating a lot of added sugar leads to feeling hungry and thus increase quantitative Eating and weight gain. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that no more than 10 percent of the calories needed per day should be taken from added sugars.
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